By Elana Laham © 2017 Elana Laham
Below are the hyperlinks to all 51 chapters of the "Erased Chronicles" that I discovered online, which the reader is welcome to download and read:
On April 1, 2017, I stumbled upon some so-called Gohan fan fiction. One called, “The Erased Chronicles” surely caught my attention. For upon reading it I was struck with an intense bout of Déjà vu. And my Déjà vu erupted verbatim (word for word). What I felt in my gut – the Déjà vu phenomenon I was experiencing – crept its way into my brain. And suddenly without warning it hit me. My own thoughts confessing to me that I had read this material before – in a book...when I was young – about forty years ago.
What I cannot recall are the details of how, when, where, who and why.
But I have proof to back my claim. The VOCABULARY TERMS throughout “The Erased Chronicles” is DATED.
This means that it is not vocabulary used in this ERA.
One of the vocabulary words from chapter 7 of “The Erased Chronicles” is “hovercraft”. According to the online dictionary a Christopher Cockerell patented the hovercraft in 1955.
This means that, “The Erased Chronicles” had to have been written no earlier than the era of the 1960’s.
If the reader is interested in seeing the definition of hovercraft then please go to hyperlink 05A at
Another vocabulary word from chapter 7 of "The Erased Chronicles" is "whilst". According to the online dictionary it means "while" and is a British word.
This means that, “The Erased Chronicles” was either written by a British author or translated by a Britain.
If the reader is interested in seeing the definition of whilst then please go to hyperlink 05B at
The following are some randomly selected samples of the wordage from an OLDER ERA that exist throughout the “Erased Chronicles” text:
Chapter 7
Dated Vocabulary Words
Definitions from Online Dictionary
1) gingerly - means carefully
2) pelt – means move quickly
3) clambered – means to climb
4) impromptu – means spontaneously
5) slothful – means lazy
6) skiving – means non attendance
7) gaunt – means skinny
8) wizened – means wrinkled
9) stammered – means stutter
10) clanking – means a metallic noise
11) riff-raff - unable to find a definition
12) visage – means facial appearance
13) bloodcurdling – means horrifying
14) scuffle – means disorderly fight
15) airily – means light heartedly
16) pointedly – means with deliberate emphasis
17) sing-song – means a voice rising and falling in a pattern
18) quipped – means a witty remark
19) lackadaisical – means without enthusiasm
20) harking – means to listen attentively
Dated Vocabulary Expressions
Translated by Me
My Era is the 1960's
21) buckling down – get serious
22) hazard a guess – risk a guess
23) rope me – trap me
24) round on – do not know what this means
If the reader is interested in seeing the dated vocabulary terms from chapter 7 then please go to hyperlink 06A at
Chapter 17
Dated Vocabulary Words
Definitions from Online Dictionary
1) crowed – means loud cry
2) dolefully – means expressing grief
3) sauntered – means slow walk
4) ado – means foolish talk
5) qualms – means pang of conscience
6) fervor – means intensity
7) wrack – means ruin
8) unfettered – means not restricted
9) haggard – means tired looking
10) bellowed – means shout loudly
11) melee – means fight
Dated Vocabulary Expressions
Translated by Me
My Era is the 1960's
12) fleet-footed – fast moving
13) bated-breath – in great suspense
14) he wrung Goku’s hands – shook hands with excitement
If the reader is interested in seeing the dated vocabulary terms from chapter 17 then please go to hyperlink 06B at
Chapter 27
Dated Vocabulary Words
Definitions from Online Dictionary
1) sputter – means speak explosively
2) lest – means for fear that
3) mused – means daydreaming
4) maniacally – means crazy
5) albeit – even though
6) acrid – means pungent or bitter
7) garish – means gaudy
8) faltered – means to hesitate
9) balk – means to stop
10) emblazoned – means adorned
11) bulbous – means round shape
12) ragtag – means disorganized group
13) fore – means toward the front
14) Slouch – means drooping posture
15) muster – gather people or things
16) careening – means out of control movement at high speed
17) trifling – means trivial
18) gullet – means throat
Dated Vocabulary Expressions
Translated by Me
My Era is the 1960's
19) eyes glazed over – uninterested or distracted
20) cradled in a gentle hold – firmly supported
21) the options seemed dim – unlikely to happen
22) his fingers poised to his forehead – ready to move
23) his resolve was set – decision was made
24) left much to be desired – disappointed
25) bear with me – be patient
If the reader is interested in seeing the dated vocabulary terms from chapter 27 then please go to hyperlink 06C at
The publishing date of “The Erased Chronicles” reads, “May 31, 2014”, and states it is written by an individual named Lastation Lover 5000.
If the reader is interested in seeing the so-called publishing date, of the "Erased Chronicles" and the so-called author of the "Erased Chronicles" then please go to hyperlink 06D at
[Reader's Note: The so-called publishing date of the "Erased Chronicles"and the so-called author of the "Erased Chronicles" is at the top of the page of all fifty one chapters of the "Erased Chronicals"].
The question is who really wrote this enthralling book about Gohan
with the material in it called, “The Erased Chronicles”
and when was this novel actually published???!!!
Who knows the answer???!!!
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