By Elana Laham © 2018 Elana Laham
Most of us know BULLYING is LETHAL.
Due to the ever-rising epidemic of bullying there is a dire necessity to address the problems of bullying by discovering solutions to bullying. As a result there are tons of web pages and lots of anti-bullying websites on the worldwide Web on the topic of bullying. But being that we all live in a Bully Culture, as with any other enterprise, there are bad as well as good anti-bullying websites.
How do you know which sort of anti-bullying website you are visiting?
The following will assist you in navigating the Internet of anti-bullying Cyber domains to alert you!
Bad anti-bullying websites are false opposition anti-bullying websites.
This means that they support the existence of the Bully Culture and the continuation of bullying. They will offer you misleading information such as myths about bullying and what I call “hole in the doughnut” information such as discussions about bullying that say everything about bullying without saying anything about bullying by so-called experts. Or they will exploit your vulnerability by requesting money for their so-called service to humanity. There is a time and place for earning a salary. Bullying is not one of them. Thanks to the Bully Culture people are physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually dying and on a daily basis from bullying. And the number of the fallen keeps rising. Bullying is no way to put a restraint on the booming human population for it is the decent people who are being slaughtered by it.
Good anti-bullying websites are true opposition anti-bullying websites.
They support the existence of humanity and the termination of bullying. This means that they have your best interest at heart, which is to help you stop being victimized by bullying if you are a victim, reform your bullying if you are a bully, and assist you in making the decision to get involved with stopping the bullying if you are a bystander or an onlooker. They report the truth to you about bullying as best as they know it by doing research and development on the topic of bullying and by reality testing their own concepts and ideas about bullying thru their own life experience with bullying. And they will share with you their own personal encounters with bullying to let you know that you are not alone.
One of the surest ways in which you can distinguish between false opposition and true opposition anti-bullying websites is to notice how false anti-bullying websites are being PROMOTED on the Internet by marketing campaigns sponsored by elite cyber bully(s). At the same token true anti-bullying websites are being CENSORED off the Internet by anti-marketing campaigns financed by elite cyber bully(s) who bribe search engines and website hosts to do their bidding.
One type of anti-marketing tactic has to do with Website Analysis domains that base their criterion of “popularity” of a website on if the website is connected to social media and if the website is link to other websites instead of just counting the “traffic flow” the website gets according to the search engine Bots and reporting its number. Speaking of numbers, website analysis domains confuse the issue of how popular or unpopular a website is by on the one hand announcing that the lower the rank “number” is the less traffic a website is getting. While on the other hand announcing that the higher the rank “number” is the less traffic a website is getting. To confuse the issue even more website analysis domains will lie that they do not have enough data to report the status on a website’s traffic flow.
Another type of anti-marketing strategy has to do with censorship by way of partial or over all removal of the website via its Hosting Company enacting technical shut down operations or non-working operatives.
Yet another type of anti-marketing ploy has to do with anti-marketing meta- descriptions. Meta-descriptions are suppose to a) INFORM a potential visitor of a website as to what the website is all about and b) hyperlink to the website to make it easy for a potential visitor to LOCATE the website. Anti-marketing meta-descriptions do the opposite.
If you are a true opposition anti-bullying website your website will continually be bombarded by these anti-marketing meta-descriptions in order to deter Internet users from visiting it. However, you can count on the fact that the more anti-marketing meta-descriptions your website gets the more popular in ranking your website must be.
My website called “BullCrap Busters” can be located by inserting the search phrase of “Bully’s Ruses” into the Yahoo, Bing, or Google search engines. There you will find meta-descriptions that make it difficult for a visitor to be INFORMED as to what my entire website is all about because the cyber bully(s) are using the wrong meta-descriptions for the wrong web page.
Under the hyperlink of “BULLCRAP BUSTERS” on the search engine results for the search engines of Google, Yahoo, and Bing, the meta-description from my website’s homepage is supposed to be showing up being that the search engines Bot systematically crawls it. However, the computer programmed search engines Bot is being overridden by the cyber bully’s manual insertion of the wrong meta-descriptions for the wrong web page.
The meta-description on my website’s homepage that describes what my entire website is all about reads as follows:
“Society’s Bully: Playground Bully: Enforcer Bully: Clergy Bully: Corporate Elite Bully: Elite Bully: How to Fight Back. Welcome to the BullCrap Buster's Website."
If the reader is interested in viewing the meta-description then please go to hyperlink 07.
The last time the meta-description from my website’s homepage appeared on the Internet was March 30, 2017. It was in the Yahoo search engine under the meta-description caption of “BULLCRAP BUSTERS”.
If the reader is interested in viewing the meta-description in the Yahoo Search Engine results then please go to hyperlink 08.
The following current meta-descriptions are keeping the BB Readers MISINFORMED as to what my “BullCrap Busters” website has to offer victims of bullying being that they belong to the Mask and Faces web page of the BullCrap Busters web site but instead are being used to describe the Home web page of the BullCrap Busters web site.
If the reader is interested in viewing the Google meta-description, which appears under the hyperlink of “BULLCRAP BUSTERS” then please go to hyperlink 04.
If the reader is interested in viewing the Yahoo meta-description, which appears under the hyperlink of “BULLCRAP BUSTERS” then please go to hyperlink 05.
If the reader is interested in viewing the Bing meta-description, which appears under the hyperlink of “BULLCRAP BUSTERS” then please go to hyperlink 06.
My website called “BullCrap Busters” can be located by inserting the search phrase of “Bully’s Ruses” into the Yahoo, Bing, or Google search engines. There you will find anti-marketing meta-descriptions that I did not pay for that make it difficult for a visitor to LOCATE my website either because one has to go thru several hyperlinks to get to my website or since the hyperlinks do not go to my website at all.
The following are the current anti-marketing meta-descriptions, which are attempting to get BB Readers LOST so that they cannot benefit from the free comprehensive reality based anti-bullying literature of my “BullCrap Busters” website:
Here is the GOOGLE flow chart:
START > (Click 1) “Bullcrap Busters” > (Click 2) “Bullcrap Busters | Home Web Page” > (Click 3) “(pdf) Bullcrap Busters” > (Click 4) “Bing Bullcrap Busters” > (Click 5) “Yahoo! - 403 forbidden” > (Click 6) “Bullcrap Busters | page not found” > (Click 7) "Yahoo Bullcrap Busters" > (Click 8) “Yahoo! - 403 forbidden” > (Click 9) “Bullcrap Busters | page not found” > END.
If the reader is interested in viewing the GOOGLE anti-marketing meta- description(s), maze then please go to the following hyperlinks at
Here is the YAHOO flow chart:
START > (Click 1) “Bing Bullcrap Busters” > (Click 2) “Masks Faces Bullcrap Busters” > (Click 3) “Bullcrap Busters | Masks Faces Web Page” > (Click 4) “Google Bullcrap Busters” > (Click 5) “Bullcrap Busters | page not found” > END.
If the reader is interested in viewing the YAHOO anti-marketing meta- description(s) maze then please go to the following hyperlinks at
Here is the BING flow chart:
START > (Click 1) “Bing Bullcrap Busters” > (Click 2) “Masks Faces Bullcrap Busters” > (Click 3) “Bullcrap Busters | Masks Faces Web Page” > (Click 4) “Google Bullcrap Busters” > (Click 5) “Bullcrap Busters | page not found” > END.
If the reader is interested in viewing the BING anti-marketing meta- description(s) maze then please go to the following hyperlinks at
By inserting MORE anti-marketing meta-descriptions all these cyber bully(s) are doing is proving ever the more so that my website "the BullCrapBusters" is a TRUE opposition anti-bullying website, which has turned their anti-marketing campaign against my website into a marketing campaign for my website. In other words, I just performed an Aikido move on them and at their monetary expense, not mine.
These cyber bully(s) cannot CONTROL me for the simple reason that they do not KNOW me. My work is based upon moral and ethical principles...nothing more and nothing less. That being said, they cannot MANIPULATE me by attempting to lie to me that my website is unpopular and they cannot INTIMIDATE me by trying to block visitors from reaching my website and being interested in viewing my website.
I will not remove my website from the Internet. My website is here to SERVE HUMANITY.
The BullCrap Busters Website will transmit its signals over the Internet for as long as we have not been CENSORED off the web due to the ELITE CYBER BULLY as a result of LIBEL and/or SLANDER, and/or ANTI-MARKETING CAMPAIGNS, and/or BANKRUPT by bought off justice, and/or ARRESTED and/or INCARCERATED by trumped up charges, and/or MURDERED by a staged accident by those who have the audacity to call themselves FRIENDS of humanity, yet who are ENEMIES to us who dare to exercise our HUMAN RIGHTS, namely FREEDOM of SPEECH, in order to assist HUMANITY in overcoming BULLYING.