By Elana Laham © 2016 Elana Laham
On October 22, 2016, I sent an e-mail reply to S. Williams at Compliance that stated the following:
“To S. Williams,
Thank you for your prompt e-mail reply to my e-mail inquiry.
About 15 minutes after I sent you my e-mail dated 10/21/16 my website and homestead - my website's hosting site - became available to reach again.
Can you please give me a contact e-mail for your support team that does NOT have a no-reply address to it. So I can contact them? This has never happened before. So I'd like to know what happened?
From Elana Laham”
If the reader is interested in viewing my e-mail to Homestead then please go to hyperlink 38F at
On October 25, 2016, I received an e-mail reply to my e-mail inquiry dated October 22, 2016, from a R Zamba at Compliance that stated the following:
"Hello, You can contact our support team for technical assistance by our chat support or by calling our support line. Phone: (800) 986-0958Mon-Fri 7:00am - 6:00pm MDTSat-Sun ClosedChat: 5:00am- 2:00pm MDT Sat-Sun Closed Regards,Homestead Compliance Team"
If the reader is interested in viewing Homestead's e-mail to me then please go to hyperlink 38G at
This e-mail reply did NOT occur immediately following the emergency, but rather four days after the entire shut down of my BullCrap Busters website.
This e-mail reply was sent to me AFTER I had already posted my UPDATES 10/23/16 and UPDATES 10/24/16 web pages to the PUBLIC regarding the sudden blackout of my BullCrap Busters website and regarding the sudden loss of my hyperlinks on the Cyber Bullying The False Opposition Memorial to Gohan UPDATES 10/10/16 web page.
This e-mail contained NO forwarding of my e-mail inquiry to whomever can explain WHY my BullCrap Busters website was GONE. How WEIRD!
This e-mail contained NO apology for the blackout of my BullCrap Busters website followed by the non-working hyperlinks of my Cyber Bullying The False Opposition Memorial to Gohan UPDATES 10/10/16 web page.
This e-mail was written in panic mode format - all the text was smashed together including the salutation and closing.
I am not going onto Homestead Support's Chat Line to ask what happened to my BullCrap Busters website for the simple reason that after all that has transpired Homestead's Support Team woulda, shoulda, coulda contacted me and told me what in the world was going on with my BullCrap Busters website.
The BullCrap Busters Website will transmit its signals over the Internet for as long as we have not been CENSORED off the web due to the ELITE CYBER BULLY as a result of LIBEL and/or SLANDER, and/or ANTI-MARKETING CAMPAIGNS, and/or BANKRUPT by bought off justice, and/or ARRESTED and/or INCARCERATED by trumped up charges, and/or MURDERED by a staged accident by those who have the audacity to call themselves FRIENDS of humanity, yet who are ENEMIES to us who dare to exercise our HUMAN RIGHTS, namely FREEDOM of SPEECH, in order to assist HUMANITY in overcoming BULLYING.